Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Three Sides: Mother, Girl,. 🤔 💕💖💕💖💕 And Grandmother, Views To Ages, Chicks:Names And Labels Over Decades.

Three Sides: Mother, Girl,. 🤔 💕💖💕💖💕 And Grandmother, Views To Ages, Chicks:Names And Labels Over Decades.  Free Rides: Nothing for free, tricks and trades to exchanges, walks in the park, classes in the woods. Under the cherry moons, blue stars tonight, planes in air, free to cum suckers, free rides on faces of snakes. People under the surface, mirrors on the wall, charms and wits, hard to beat, songs to sing. Gifts of time and spaces, tips of land whales, frogs and fags.veterans Prey...Dates with monkeys, dates and songs of the monkey times, how much of a ape, that monkey was. Words to work, words to write, words to tell the horror stories. Songs to hear, dances to do, songs and singers on the radio. Dances for the lovers, dances for the sinners, dances for the good times, bumps in the roads, happy for the hits of love and happiness. Dances for the time of your life, the best is yet to cum, dances on the sands of time. Fires started in my heart, just after dark, views in the mirror...Shabbat Shalom, Sighs Of Hate, Lovers And Suckers, In The Name Of Gods.😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

Cards to flip, faces to change, snakes and frogs, tales of lovers and haters, tips to tell. Happy for the sun, to raise every day, lights on bright, earth angels to fall first. Lessons on love and hate, cards on the table, poker faces, snakes and worms, tricks to trades. Queens on board, queens in red, queens on cards, queens for the seasons, reasons to reign. Fairy Tales. Red hearts, heated and hot, lovers for life, tales of true love. Frogs 2. Three Sides: Mother, Girl,. 🤔 💕💖💕💖💕 And Grandmother, Views To Ages, Chicks:Names And Labels Over Decades. 

Will share the longest text received with you, and please do not get taken in by the projections that are common for Steven Jarrot, okay? Life and love, love and luck, hands in the air, tales to swingers, dicks to bitches, butches and dykes, asses out. Coins to flip, asses to buy, tricks and dogs, bitches in heat, songs to sing, dances for a dollar, dykes and butches, with dicks in a bag, to go. veterans Prey...Dates with monkeys, dates and songs of the monkey times, how much of a ape, that monkey was. Words to work, words to write, words to tell the horror stories. Songs to hear, dances to do, songs and singers on the radio. Dances for the lovers, dances for the sinners, dances for the good times, bumps in the roads, happy for the hits of love and happiness. Dances for the time of your life, the best is yet to cum, dances on the sands of time. Fires started in my heart, just after dark, views in the mirror...Shabbat Shalom, Sighs Of Hate, Lovers And Suckers, In The Name Of Gods.😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

Jumps and Leaps: Rachel, Sheri, Sima, Charles R. Jarrot, Evil and nasty.Time to teach, time to tell, times on beaches in hell. Good times, good tips and lesson. Earth Angels, fairies and pixies, to sing and dance. Sad songs of fools and frogs, stuck on stupid. Pack of wolves, snakes in dens, fake friends,Monkey see, monkey do, excuses to blame others.Blame others with fingers pointed at crazy or insane. Crazy fine, insane better, out of your mind common.Cry for the wolves, last dazes, rites of passage

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