Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Dicks, Dawgs, Trouser Snakes, Frogs And Toads, Plenty Of Fish To Toss Out.

 Waves To Make. Black, read and white, blasts in the past, pages to books, recaps in the pictures. Lots of stories to bury, dead in boxes, in the gardens of the bones. Love, luck, lights, black and white, colors of the people, colors of the rainbows, rats to races. Houses and homes, faces lost in the winds, tips and tales, lovers and haters, fuckers and suckers, plenty of fish in the seas.Dicks, Dawgs, Trouser Snakes, Frogs And Toads, Plenty Of Fish To Toss Out. 
Image result for Snakes Parties, Snakes Tales, Parts And Pieces.
 Faces of others, asses of donkeys, monkeys in packs, cheers and chaps, for the Americans heroes, back in time, dates to mark, killing time, Crimes to pay, nuts and fruit, been there, done that, pages to books. Why are Americans hoarding this superfood?    Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels. Love And Luck Left. Nightmares: Veterans Stories: Hard Knocks Schools. Goats With Horns: Love, Hate: Sounds To Blast, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Cattle. Freaks, frogs, and snakes, tips and tales, stories to share, history to note, pages to books. Lights to shine, lights to turn on, holiday hits and misses. Dream lives on hold, dicks, dawgs, dates, snakes in the house, snakes under the skin, good times to share, dances in the dark. 
Image result for Snakes Parties, Snakes Tales, Parts And Pieces.
Horses To Races, Dog And Pony Shows,Cartoon Hits, Cartoon Network, Time To Fly. Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels. Love And Luck Left.  OK folks, it's Friday night and my friend Forrest just sent me this...and I have just stopped laughing so hard I was crying...hard to catch my I think maybe this is what we all need to do next: Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."~ Ralph Waldo Emerson....Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Let silence be your motto, until duty bids you to speak. Thank the Great Spirit for every meal.Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Thank the Great Spirit: Tales In The Woods. Cupcakes Remake Treats - Dicks, Dawgs, Trouser Snakes, Frogs And Toads, Plenty Of Fish To Toss Out. 

Hollywood Candy Girls: One or two more acts of folly should, thereafter, not matter very much at all."Lovers, Lights, Lessons, Trips To The Books, Notes From The Shots, 1920 Black And White. History To Share. 1920's bathing beauty via Prevost for Photoplay, 1921, via the loudestvoice.tumblr Franky Trees, names and labels, freaks and frogs,rednecks and retards, fat hogs, free rides for dogs, snakes and dicks, in some places. Classes of friends, classes of family affairs, coins to flip, who do you spend time with. Spiders and snakes , rats and roaches, in apartment houses. Home for rats, home for roaches, home to big fat cows, hogs and pigs. Stilling still now, deep waters, still cats, tales to pens.  

 "SEEKING FRIENDS. COMPANIONS:Donkeys in the hills of Riverside, desert, monkeys to see, monkeys to say, monkeys on the backs of the asses in question, true colors lies to share, distance with pictures harder, disable boyfriends that were veterans, have views to share about Steven and the tricks and trades in the RV.   Not just one black, female veteran with stories, male veterans have more stories of the dick sucker: Frogs To Date.How to use new Facebook Reactions emojis the right......Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ›€πŸ½πŸ’‹πŸ’ƒπŸ»❤️" Birds To Be Born, Eggs To Fires, Birthdays And Rebirths Done, Goodness And Mercy. The time of our lives, the best is yet to come. Dances in the dark, dances in...  Asses and donkeys, not in the classes of white horses. Rats to races, dances for cash, common stories. Cheers and chaps,have a blast, good luck, in the things you need to do. Blue Horses,Races  In The Winds, Songs To Sing, Glory Dazes To Come.Dicks, Dawgs, Trouser Snakes, Frogs And Toads, Plenty Of Fish To Toss Out. 

Image result for Snakes Parties, Snakes Tales, Parts And Pieces.

Warm Hearts :Reasons to dance, names changes to hide from haters, lots of hot air blowing about seek and crop off hands. Views shared of the fish that got away. Educated and mature frogs and fish, pens used to fight the hate sent by group texts, love and devotion, it is not. Gifts to share to repost the bumps in roads, with the lessons learned.  To teach, to learn, to share the joys and pains, to write the stories of chances taken to bring lights on these matters. Sad and blue about the lack of growth. Same stories, different dazes, life on the  beach, in a dated RV alone. Sad for the frogs kissed for the chance to change, windows always open, to flip the coins to brighter dazes. Paths not taken, the high roads, hands out to help a frog or a fish, get on the ships of dreams.Snakes Parties, Snakes Tales, Parts And Pieces.Dicks, Dawgs, Trouser Snakes, Frogs And Toads, Plenty Of Fish To Toss Out. 

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