Friday, November 18, 2016

Veteran Voices:Windows are open, doors are open for the lost, the displace,homeless.

Hats and horns to blow, love and hate, for a father, not a saint, tales of who was on top. Games of balls to toss in the air, games and cards on the tables, jacks and balls in the dirt, games of boys, games to play. Jokes and laughs, back in the day, back in time, back as a kid. Pages to turn, stories to write, no more time on spiders and snakes. Boys to men, games with cards, games with who can go all the way. Ways and means, , bumps in the roads, paths taken on the yellow, brick roads. Veteran Voices:Windows are open, doors are open for the lost, the displace,homeless.

Thanks for your time and attention to this matter and looking forward to working with you on this housing project for veterans and friends. Starr Bright tonight, look for the shooting blue stars, Star of David, with six points to share..... Veterans Houses: Fish Today, Poles and net, good times, happy dazes again, glory dazes done. Sings a song or two, sun is going down, day is done, lights to shine. Stars bright tonight, wishes for fish to eat, tales and tips, seven steps.Veteran Voices:Windows are open, doors are open for the lost, the displace,homeless.

Veteran Voices:Windows are open, doors are open for the lost, the displace, and the homeless veterans, gifts to share about the housing, about the paperwork needed to get the cash off the table. Views of Monkeys, horse and pony shows, good times, lots of laughs, monkeys in the movies, monkeys to date. Tricks and trades, monkey tales, donkeys in packs, snakes and frogs, tales in the air. Balls in the air, tips and tails, songs to sing, cartoon hits. Trips to the woods, trips to hell and back, trips to the moon, out of water, use pee instead, neat trick, monkey games. Tips and tales, dream lives on the side of the road, RV campers Steven and Rachel Jarrot, lovers to date, tricks to trades, wigs and caps, smokes and cash, tricks cum cheap. Dicks in line, dicks to suck, gang bang rules, games to monkeys, party and pay. Tricks, Trades, Monkeys to Cum, dicks to suck, tasteful delights, life in a RV.

American birds, American fights, birds and bees in the sky.American birds, fingers to point, voices to sing, birds headed to stars at night.Women Of Color, Veterans On The Streets, Veteran Housing Matters, Homeless Blues.Veterans with skills, sisters of colors, black and blue, shades of black, white, and read, fairies, pixies, and earth angels.Funk & Disco !STUDIO 54 DISCO CLASSICS MIX 10 - (by Checcottanta) Lets Dance, Good Times. Frog Faces, Fools, Freaks, Retards, Rotten Apples, Nuts And Franks, Dicks Dates. Chicks, babes, dames, earth angels in lights. Veterans with skills, sisters of colors, black and blue, shades of black, white, and read, fairies, pixies, and earth angels.5 Actually Affects Your Personality!🏊🏊💪💪🏃🏃🍎🍎.Jacking Off. Frogs Dates.

Angels on land, angels in hosts in the air, goodness, and mercy, and the brights stars that left earth, dead and gone, candles in the winds. Dances in the rain, dances on the beach, dead and brave sailors tells. Peace in the lands, American Birds to protect, doves with olive branch, signs of land. Bibles and saints, lions and dinner, snakes and frogs to fry. Fires on the boats, fires on seas, dead fish and frogs. Thanks so much, gifts given, for the red, white and blue.STUDIO 54 DISCO CLASSICS MIX 10 -Veterans with skills, sisters of colors, black and blue, shades of black, white, and read, fairies, pixies, and earth angels.

5 Actually Affects Your Personality!🏊🏊💪💪🏃🏃🍎🍎.Jacking Off. Frogs Dates.

Just one case that tells the stories of the bumps in the road, and the blame game that is being played with the fruits and nuts, that party and play every day for the dicks to suck and the pussy to lick, taking turns for the oral talents of a freak, and a jackass or two, gifts to share for the tasteful delights of the fools.Principles Above All Else, Move, Jobs, Planted Earth Angels, Rivers Of Truth, Battles Rites.Frog Faces, Fools, Freaks, Retards, Rotten Apples, Nuts And Franks, Dicks Dates.STUDIO 54 DISCO CLASSICS MIX 10 - (by Checcottanta) Lets Dance, Good Times.Veterans with skills, sisters of colors, black and blue, shades of black, white, and read, fairies, pixies, and earth angels.5 Actually Affects Your Personality!🏊🏊💪💪🏃🏃🍎🍎.Jacking Off. Frogs Dates.


Dreams, joys and laugh, dates on the water, good times, lesson learned, dances on the water, trips to hell and back, Good times, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, party times, dates with snakes, dates with frogs, dates with snakes that live in the grass. Good times, lots of love, lots of luck, lots of hard knocks, tests over time, lots of them. Veteran Voices:Windows are open, doors are open for the lost, the displace,homeless.

Dates with frogs, fun and games, the way of life, Donkeys in pack,, monkeys in trees, good times, sunny and bright, stars to shine, wiehn darkness falls. Angles of angels on earth, pixies, earth angels, veterans, without homes, lights to shine. Cake walks, mountains to climb, plans in the works.

.😎🌊🌊🏄Walks On The Beach, Knights and kings, crooks and robbers,🐱🐭🐹🐺🐭🐹 cheaters and snakes in the grass, stories to tell. Rocks And Stones, Glory Dazes To Come...-Rainbow Racers, Rainbow To Read, Unicorns Delights.Its Official..💕💖. Sometimes surfing is just about being in the water on a beautiful day .. waves or no waves.End of the Rainbow 😮🌊🌊🌈. Girls In Red Hoods, Good Tales: Lucky In Life, Lucky In Love, Wild And Free, Wild Hogs.Setting standards. You're so down to earth, and I'm up in the stars.Veteran Voices:Windows are open, doors are open for the lost, the displace,homeless.

So show me the shooting stars, love and hate, stories to share. Connected points of views, fish and frogs, dates in the garden of the dead, tales on the water. Blue Oceans, Blue Dreams, Girls In Red Hoods, Good Tales: Lucky In Life, Lucky In Love, Wild And Free.Veteran Voices:Windows are open, doors are open for the lost, the displace,homeless. Earth up to date and looking great... Happy and sad tales.Knights and kings, crooks and robbers,🐱🐭🐹🐺🐭🐹 cheaters and snakes in the grass, stories to tell. Happy Halloween sister! 🎃👻🎃.Knights and kings, crooks and robbers,🐱🐭🐹🐺🐭🐹 cheaters and snakes in the grass, stories to tell. ..My Future in the Media World:ON THE RUN, WHAT? Uncertain.Meth Drug Dealer, RV Camper, likes to lick kitty or suck dicks.Veteran Voices:Windows are open, doors are open for the lost, the displace,homeless.

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